The Los Angeles Dance Film Festival in cooperation with the California Heritage Museum presents “Dance Films On The Lawn”!
Join us on August 22nd at 8 pm for an outdoor screening on the lawn of the California Heritage Museum!
Bring a blanket and watch short Dance Films by local filmmakers!
Free; Register to attend:
California Heritage Museum - 2612 Main St. Santa Monica, CA 90405
LA Dance Film Festival’s Mission: "Gathering creators and lovers of screendance in one place to celebrate dance film and inspire each other."
Featured Films:
Upwell, J’aime Morrison
Gathering, Talia Shea Levin, Zoi Efstathiou & Jacob Jonas the Company
木ノ内 周 (Shu), Mike Schwartz*
818, Olivia Mia Orozco & Caitlin Fowler
Ahead, Behind, Ben Kadie*
Sea of Stars, Robin Bisio
Red Football, Lily Chumas
The Old Man At The Corner Store, Nadav Heyman & Anabella Casanova
Stories By My Mother, Polina Cherezova, Katya Richardson & Masha Cherezova
Becoming Year 31, Talia Shea Levin & MUDA
be still, Nicole Manoochehri
Mi Gran Dolor, Ariel Benarroch & Jacqueline Hinton
Fading Light, Justin Tyler Close
Longing, Joyce Lo
Banner image: "Gathering" - Talia Shea Levin, Zoi Efstathiou & Jacob Jonas the Company